Thursday, December 12, 2013

Tzaras Hat.

Happiness is New York.
Heels, Jewelry, Sparkles.
Young and Wild
The world at her fingertips.

All began with a name.
Brand, Black Tie, Lights.
Forever or Never
Let go of her fears, Free.

It turned heads like,
Purple, America, Skyline.

Prose Poem: It Gives You Wings

So delicious and sweet, we cannot contain ourselves.
Pulling up to the window and placing our order we see you on the top shelf.
You are an addiction of ours, something we cant live without it seems.
We watch and marvel at the way your made, all the flavors and different creams.
Seeing you bubble and foam over the cup, our mouths water endlessly.
As we hand over our money we don't care how expensive you are, having you is like destiny.
Getting that first sip of you is oh so satisfying.
Its a fact, you are definitely worth buying.
32 ounces are pure sweetness, drinking until we are full
Yes, we must admit we are addicted to you, my sweet, sweet red bull.

Monday, December 2, 2013

"A Blessing" Imitation

Getting off the freeway, 2 miles until the Monroe Reptile Zoo. 
I am filled with joy and excitement
As I walk through the door I see the snakes in the back. 
I run right to them. 
They are glorious, the way they slither about
With no sudden movements.
I love to just watch them, how beautiful they can be. 
They've always been mesmerizing to me.
I really want to take one out of its cage and hold it. 
I cannot wait.
One slithers on a branch next to its little friend. 
Have they always been friends? I wonder..
Then I grab one
I can feel the tiny scales run across my fingers.
The snake looks happy, calm, and unphased by my grasp. 
I wonder what its thinking. 
Is it comfortable?
The snake is spotted
Its tail is narrow with a rattle.
I still cant help but wonder
It is at least happy? Where is its home..
But then I realize
It is out of harms way and it is safe here with me
This snake is mine

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Stressed: /
Unstressed: U

1. Hey you. (Hey-/ you-U)
2. Hey what’s up? (Hey-/ Whats-U up-/)
3. Oh nothing. How was your day? (Oh-/ nothing-U how-/ was-U your-/ day-U)
4. Eh, it was alright. What about yours? (Eh-/ it-U was-/ alright-U. What-/ about-U yours-/)
5. It was actually pretty good. Didn't do too much.. Just a relaxing day. (It-/ was-U actually-/ pretty-U good-/. Didn't-/ do-U much-/. Just-/ a-U relaxing-/ day-U.)
6. Well that’s nice. I’m just super swamped with homework so I’m kind of stressed out. (Well-/ that's-U nice-/. I'm-/ just-U super-/ swamped-U with-/ homework-U so-/ i'm-/ kind of-U stressed-/ out-U.)
7. Oh, yeah I feel you on that. I hope it doesn't stress you out too much though. (Oh-/ yeah-U I-/ feel-U you-/ on-U that-/. I-U hope-/ It-U doesn't-/ stress-U you-/ out-U too-/ much-U though-/.)
8. Yeah same.. Haha. What class are you going to? (Yeah-/ same-U Haha-/. What-U class-/ are-U you-/ going-U to-/?)
9. I’m on my way to my psych class right now. What about you? (I'm-/ on-U my-/ way-U to-/ my-U psych-/ class-U right-/ now-U. What-/ about-U you?-/)
10. I’m going to English. (I'm/ going-U to-/ English-U)
11. Have fun with that! (Have-/ fun-U with-/ that!-U)
12. Yeah, thanks I’ll try. (Yeah-U thanks-/ i'll-U try-/)
13. I’ll see you after class? (I'll-/ see-U you-/ after-U class?-/)
14. Yup! Meet you at doks! (Yup!-/ Meet-U you-/ at-U doks!-/)
15. Perfect! See you then! (Perfect-/. See-/ you-U then!-/)

16. Bye!

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Game

The ball bouncing on the hardwood is beautiful
a melody to my ears.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

An Ode to Time

An Ode to Time

Without time you would not know the year
You would not know the month or the day of the week
This is something we fear.

No schedule or a time for a date
We would have no calendar or clocks
This is something we would hate.

But we wouldn't fret and worry
We wouldn't hustle and hassle
Isn't this something, we would never hurry.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Comparison: A&P and Bartleby

 When comparing “A&P” by John Updike and "Bartleby, the Scrivener" by Herman Melville there are several differences in the way the bosses act towards their employees, the way characters interact with each other, and the efficiency of the workers in the story. In A&P the boss is very strict, he comes out and tells the young girls that the must leave the store and put clothes on if they want to buy something. “Girls, I don’t want to argue with you. After this come in here with your shoulders covered. It’s out policy.” Pg. (602). In contrast to A&P the boss in Bartleby is very passive and rather than telling his employees what to do, he asks them. For example he says things like, “Why do you refuse?” and “Will you not speak?” (Pgs. 412 and 413). All this shows is that passive bosses get less out of their employees as opposed to strict and firm bosses.
Another difference between “A&P” and “Bartleby” is the relationship between the coworkers. In A&P the only coworker that is mentioned is a man named Stokesie. The relationship between him and the main character Sammy is a very friendly one and they joke around together while at work. “Oh Daddy.. I feel so faint.’ Darling, I said Hold me tight.’” (Pg.600). This is a huge difference from the coworkers in Bartleby. The coworkers of Bartleby are very judgmental and they really don’t like him at all. They complain and call him names. “I think sir, he is a little loony” and “I think I should kick him out of the office” (Pg. 413) The significance of this difference has to do with the feeling the reader is left behind with. At the end of A&P you feel good for Sammy and like he did a good thing sticking up for “His girls”. But in Bartleby you have a sense of sadness because Bartleby had no one on his side.

One more difference between these stories is the efficiency of the workers. In A&P Sammy is a very lackadaisical. He is very judgmental of the customers that come in and you get a sense that he really doesn't enjoy his place of work. “”She’s one of those cash register watchers, a witch about fifty with rogue on her cheek bones and no eyebrows“ and “There was this chunky one with a two piece..” (Pg. 599). But in Bartleby he shows a lot of enthusiasm in the beginning of the story. “At first, Bartleby did an extraordinary quantity of writing” (Pg. 411). This shows irony, because the boss in A&P was very strict and his employee was very lazy. But in Bartleby the boss was very passive and Bartleby was excited to work and very willing