Wednesday, August 28, 2013


  1. My greatest asset is, my personality.
  2. One question I have about life is, how did we get here?
  3. One thing I've always wondered about is, how the brain works.
  4. My friends will tell you that I am, tall, funny, and a great friend.
  5. People like me because I'm very understanding and compassionate.
  6. One thing most people don't know about me is, I'm a quarter Korean.
  7. I am an expert on sarcasm. 
  8. I am proud of my family.
  9. I like reading because it relieves stress.
  10. My favorite class is any psychology class because they're all interesting.
  11. My pet peeve is liars.
  12. The most stressful thing in my life is balancing school, and basketball.
  13. The most influential people in my life are my parents because of everything they have done for me.
  14. If I had one hundred dollars, I would fill my gas tank.
  15. I am named for... after my great aunts. Lauren and Anna put together.
  16. I have no regrets about anything I've done so far in life.
  17. I regret nothing. Everything happens of a reason.
  18. My favorite color is lime green.
  19. One dish I can cook well is top ramen.
  20. My favorite place on earth is my bed.


  1. It's making me smile to see how many of your classmates are good at cooking Top Ramen :) Unrelated: What sorts of things do you read to relieve stress? Do you have a favorite author or authors?

  2. Any good book really. I love Ellen Hopkins, and Stephen Chbosky.

  3. okay the first time it didn't work i guess but I love your pictures and I like that if you had 1 million you would fill your car with gas. Also that you are an expert on sarcasm lol and basically everything els. its so true and it shows it. :)
